Alphabet fonts that are Meistergram friendly

Block letters & numbers with true horizontal lines even at small sizes

Our 2 color fonts are user all friendly

True horizontal lines, 2nd colour is an option, One colour change per line

New Scroll Monogram now available
Are you looking for an alphabet or font email
Custom Fonts start at $500


NEW Mom Scroll Upper Case Monogram (2 Disks A-Q, R-Z)
Style #30 Description Size Scale Price
Upper Case letters with scrolls top and bottom 1 Colour  
1" - 8"
1 : 1

NEW $300


Style # Greek81





Greek letters Alpha thru Omega

24 characters 

Beta, Delta, Pi  etc

.5" - 5"


New $100

NEW Monogram 1 Block letters with Serifs
Style #30 Description Size Scale Price
Monogram 1

Upper case letters are taller,

Lower case letters are Upper but smaller

1 Colour  
.5" - 3"
1 : 1 $100
BLOCK Our letters look like a straight stitch machine (FREE SAMPLE  NOW)
Style #1 Description Size Scale Price
Block #1 Block - Suggested Width 5 
Second letter "I" is under the % key 
(not suggested for arching)
1/4" - 1 3/4" 0.50 $100
ALPHABET HELPER Punctuation, symbols forgotten in many fonts.
ALPHA HELPER Description Size Scale Price
Alphabet Helper included: exclamation, @, #, $, % , $, &, *, ( , ) , - , +, + , ; , : , ', ", ?, /, \, happy face, sad face, circle, heart, check, star, diamond, (C), (R), TM 1/4" - 4" 1 : 1  $100
FREEDOM  NEW   Styled lettering that is easy to read 
Style # 31 Description Size Scale Price
Freedom #31 Upper & Lower case letters
Numbers & Punctuation
1/4" - 2" FULL  $100


NEW Times Roman
Style #30 Description Size Scale Price
Block letters with Serifs 1 Colour 
.5" - 3"
1 : 1 $100
ATHLETIC BLOCK LETTERS with true horizontal lines
Style #21 Description Size Scale Price
Athletic Block Insert #21 Block- Suggest Width 5 
2nd letter "I" under  the % key 
(not suggested for arching)
1/4" - 1 3/4" 0.50 $100
ATHLETIC BLOCK NUMBERS with true horizontal lines
Style #11  Description Size Scale Price
Athletic Block #20 Block outline numbers  .5" - 3"  1.00  $100
PRO BLOCK with true horizontal lines
Style #14 Description Size Scale Price
Pro Block #14
Pro Block #14
Block outline letter & numbers 
Suggested width 5
.5" - 3"  1.00 $100
ATHLETIC BLOCK  OUTLINE LETTERS with true horizontal lines
Style #12  Description Size Scale Price
Athletic Block #12 Block outline letters  .5" - 3"  1.00 $100
ATHLETIC BLOCK NUMBERS with true horizontal lines
Style #20 Description Size Scale Price
Athletic Block #20 Block-Suggested Width 5 
Second letter "I" is under the % key 
(not suggested for arching)
1/4" -1 3/4" 0.50 $75
ALPHABET HELPER Punctuation, symbols forgotten in many fonts.
ALPHA HELPER Description Size Scale Price
Alphabet Helper included: exclamation, @, #, $, % , $, &, 
asterisk, ( , ) , - , +, + , ; , : , ', ", ?, /, \,
happy face, sad face, circle, heart, 
check, star, diamond, (C), (R), TM
1/4" - 4" 1 : 1  $100


true horizontal lines, 1 clr change per line

Style #12 & #21 Description Size Size 2 Scale Price

2 clr Athletic Block #12 & #22


Athletic Block letters 
Includes Block #12 & 21 
2nd  Colour option
1 Colour 
.5" - 1.5"
2 Colour 
.5" - 1.5" 
1.00 $175
2 CLR ATHLETIC BLOCK NUMBERS with true horizontal lines,  1 color change per line
Style #N21 Description Size Size 2 Scale Price
Athletic Numbers #20 & #22 Block outline & Insert numbers 
Includes Block #20 & #22 
2 Color option
1 Colour 
.5" - 3"
2 Colour 
.5" - 1.5" 
1.00 $100

NUMBERSA  Avante sports numbers  clean fill finish 






Sports Numbers

Numbers ONLY

Fill stitch numbers

1.5" - 3"



